notes organizer, event organizer-manager
English: day planner/personal organizer ExstoraRussian: day planners/note manager ExstoraSvenska: daglig planerare/noteringar ExstoraFrench: planificateur de taches et gestionnaire de notesGerman: Terminverwaltung, Tagesplaner  
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    Edit Event

    Personal Organizer: Editing Event

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  • To edit an event's brief description or subject, simply double-click on the event subject in the Personal Organizer's Events window and change the information as needed. To edit the reminder should go off, double-click on the event trigger time.

    If the length of the event description field is not enough for entering the event's complete description, open the "Properties" window by selecting the "Properties..." item on the context menu and then add the detailed reminder text and set the date and time when the event should go off and the duration (for the long-term events). Press CTRL+Enter or click "OK" to save event changes.

    Moving Event to Different Date

    To move the event to a different date, simply drag-n-drop it to the desired date. For that purpose, open the Calendar window with the yellow down arrow button (by selecting the "Show Calendar" item in the Events Menu), then grab the event and drag it to the desired date on the calendar.